Development Log

Individual Role

For our group project, we chose to create a 3D games company as most of our members felt more comfortable with 3D asset design. Therefore since I wasn’t confident in my 3D ability, I suggested to the group that we create an identity behind the company so I can use one of my strengths as a 2D artist.

Since I enjoy making 2D art for games, I felt confident in my ability to create the identity behind the company such as a logo, website design, and any other 2D images we might need along the course of our development. The Logo wasn’t an easy task for me as I’ve not specifically designed a logo for any sort of project, but have created other assets that are similar. I have some knowledge when it comes to designing an identity behind a company as I had always been interested in how companies today make sure the branding behind their company represents who they are and is easily recognizable.

Prior to the role allocation, I took a team role test ( and found that despite finding it difficult to have the confidence to lead when it comes to group work, I was found to be the ‘Executive’. The executive is found to be “generally disciplined and eager to get the job done. He or she is efficient, practical, and systematic. Executives are well organized and diligent, and quickly turn the ideas of a team into concrete actions and practical plans.” Despite not strictly being allocated the team leader of the group, I gave help to our team leader when they needed help allocating work and organizing the group if they were unable to.